A New Us

A New Us? Well, no not really just
updated models

A couple of months ago my sister Teri posted on Facebook how she’d lost 29 lbs in 56 days. Along with the post, she added a photo, the one below:

Like me, Teri and I inherited our mother’s physique. One that’s easy to put on the pounds but tough to get off. Needless to say, I was not only impressed with the loss, but also the speed at which she’d lost. She was so impressed with the program she’s started coaching! Continue reading A New Us

I Remember Charles Kuralt

One of the most exciting things about living a full-time RVing lifestyle is the ability to go places and see things most of us miss as life gets in the way.

When people ask us why we chose to live this lifestyle we tell them how with me growing up in the military then spending a career in the military we got to see a lot of America…with our noses pressed against a car window. It seemed like we always had to get someplace and never had the time to stop and see the REAL America we’d heard about and seen on Charles Kuralt’s “On the Road”. Continue reading I Remember Charles Kuralt